The new wild west is digital

At PlusPlus, our goal is to create long-lasting Cyber Security solutions for our clients. The Cyber World is a digital wild west, littered with bandits and profiteers with no regard for an organization’s well-being or outcome. However, the risks are higher, much higher. A data security breach in some companies can lead to a company shutting down or mass distrust in the company for the foreseeable future. Take a company like Yahoo as an example of one such company. With the many data breaches in Yahoo Mail, it has become a second-class service when compared to services like Google Mail. Similarly, MySpace’s infamous hacks have cemented themselves as the sole remaining memories of the popular social media platform. While most people contribute their decline to better competitors, these hacks created a public distrust that held them underwater while they were drowning.

That was the Beginning

Those companies were not the last to be victimized by Cybercrime. Hacks like the Solar Winds hack and the Keystone Pipeline nearly crippled multiple businesses throughout the United States. And the cost was a lot larger than before. While MySpace and Yahoo’s hacks did little immediate economical damage, the aforementioned hacks lost companies billions of dollars.

We are the Sheriff in town

Avoiding becoming like these companies is simple: have good cyber security. However, it is surprisingly rare to find this within companies of all sizes. Why? Because people ignore red flags until there’s a problem. We don’t. The devil is always in the details. Not only do we focus on building a better cyber security strategy, we literally do our best to break our own work until we can’t anymore. Again, why? Because hackers are persistent and determined, and to beat them, we have to use their own game against them. Cyber terrorists always find a way that wasn’t known before, which is something we are putting an end to, not through just being better, but also through persistence.

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