Maintaining a Market through Media

Throughout the long process of social media marketing, maintaining a consistent, dependable audience is incredibly difficult. To start, marketing is genuinely a hit-or-miss process. While traditional marketing has worked in the past, many younger people treat marketing as something to be ignored. They find that marketing is meant to make them believe or want something they wouldn’t like before.

In the context of maintained-market marketing, marketing is a genuinely different process. Maintained-market marketing is not commercials or ads with nice logos; it is done through people. Instead of marketing to a target demographic, creating an audience on social media feeds a parasocial bond between creators and their audience. This is where we are selling without marketing. Instead of running ads or promoting products, creating content surrounding the products you want to advertise quietly markets the products without dealing with them directly. One place this has been seen frequently used is merchandise for bands or influencers. Instead of selling the band through ads, their merchandise markets it through voluntary brand-awareness advertising. Doubling on top of this, professionals who also choose to be content creators build an audience that will likely hire them when they need help in the creator’s specific field. Because of the powerful bonds people feel with a person, artists, or others, they take it upon themselves to market for them and use them when they can.

Social Presence

With all of this in mind, marketing through media is achieved with a standing social presence. Whether making someone a socialite or a famous TikTok creator, someone with a presence will hold more weight over an unknown person or advertised corporation, solely because people are consuming their media optionally.