The best marketing is marketing without anyone knowing your marketing

 At Liminal Marketing and Media Management, there is a belief that social media marketing is not solely achieved through commercials or traditional brand awareness. While we factor this in, we establish brand awareness by building a trusted social presence. In reality, marketing is incredibly efficient when a company or person has a presence, even if it is made in alternative ways.

“Not all press is good press.”

In a world with rising standards of right and wrong, we do not believe in the old saying, “any press is good press.” Drama and controversy are not our specialties. We are focused on ensuring that presence is not built through harmful methods, as these will damage the trustworthiness of individuals or corporations involved.

Social Media Marketing Made Easy (and Safe)

While some companies promise to make marketing easy, Liminal has an alternative method. When marketing with us, we solely manage the content and information of all your social media accounts. Though this requires deep trust between our clients and us, we promise it has a beneficial effect. Putting us in control of your accounts allows us to prevent cyber attacks, which can damage someone’s reputation, and avoid damaging posting, which can lead to regret. Processing posts through a team of people stop hurting a client’s reputation. We emphasize that the internet is forever, so ensuring posts that are correctly received and favorable to a client’s reputation is fundamental to our marketing strategy.